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Showing posts from April, 2021

Thoughts on Our Emotions & the Bible

 How many emotions have you felt today? Anger, guilt, joy, love... Maybe you felt multiple at one time or maybe you've felt too many to count.  "Ugh, she spilled her cereal again." "Aw, that picture is so cute!" "Why does he always degrade me in our weekly office meetings?" "This coffee is my favorite, yum!" We, as humans, are made up of many parts. We can honor and glorify God with our bodies. He gives us the ability to think and reason through situations. And He also gives us inward feelings and emotions to use as another guide source.  I have always viewed my emotions as intrusions. They were either causing me to worry and fret about something unnecessary or pushing me to love something of this world that I really should let go. I had never once viewed my feelings and emotions as a help in a decision making process or an indicator to slow down. And if I couldn't control my emotions, I at least needed to shove them out of the way.  But ...

The Bible is not my Rulebook.

My five year old Chloe is starting to get interested in board games. She's starting to play them enough that she can tell when she's losing and can become quite frustrated in this realization. Suddenly, she remembers! The rules that we'd somehow forgotten. She devises these rules that aren't actually "new," but we just forgot that's how to play. Of course, these new rules help her to get ahead in the game.  What would a game be without rules? Complete chaos!  Eek, what would a road be like without stop signs, speed limits, or traffic lights? I'd start riding a bike.. but probably still wouldn't be very safe.  Rules protect us and others from getting hurt.  Even the Bible has a list that could be classified as "rules." Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments were given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. You can read more about them in  Exodus 20 . Israel also received other laws and commandments.  1. Moral laws - God has already instilled inside each pe...

Coronavirus and Christ (Book Review)

  This post contains affiliate links in which I earn  a small commission at no cost to you.  Thank you for looking and shopping.  Why does that quote make so much sense yet is so hard to believe? We've all struggled with this. Whether it's been a loved one we've lost or has suffered, whether it's been a broken relationship because of political arguments, whether it's been fear of the unknown, or whether it's been annoyance of the inconvenience - everyone has been touched through this pandemic.  John Piper doesn't waste his time (see what I did there... Piper's  Don't Waste Your Life ... He didn't waste his time... anyways...) in this little book. He skips past the ever changing number of cases, moves on from the political drama, and takes a step away from the medical implications or lack thereof.  I don't desire to mislead you. There are plenty of facts  in this book. Facts from the Bible. There's no exaggeration that he uses 184 Scriptur...