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Love & Marriage Story

         WARNING: This is a LONG page!! If you love a sappy story, you're in the right place!

     During my junior year in high school, I realized that the Lord was leading my heart to marry someone in the ministry and be involved in full-time ministry myself... that was IF I was ever going to get married. I was DONE with juvenile boys at the time. Ya know, the heartbreak, confusion, and hormones had gotten to be too much. I wanted my senior year to be focused. I chose harder classes to take, and I took on a part-time job. If I wasn't doing schoolwork or working, I was spending all my time with my church youth group, youth group friends, and youth pastor and his wife. (Don't get bored yet because that's an important part of the story!)

     My youth pastor had a younger brother (eight years younger to be exact) who was younger than me. He would come down from Vermont a lot to visit because he homeschooled. We all loved when he came to visit; he was everyone's friend. But never once did he catch my eye until senior year, of course. I had dedicated to stop with boys, and all of a sudden this Vermont kid had lost about 80 pounds and grown a foot since the last time I'd saw him. (Generally, he was as round as he was tall when he was a youngin. ;))

       After months of talking and communicating on Facebook (no SnapChat when we were teenagers), we started dating in May of my senior year. I had prayed, "Lord, if you want me to date this guy, you're going to have to call him into ministry because I promised you that I was going to be a pastor's wife some day." Aaron calls me a week later letting me know that the Lord was leading him
to preach during the missions conference that their church was holding. Well, okay then! :) 

        I went to college in Tennessee, and we continued a long distance relationship for only a year. He came to join me the following year!


     During March's Spring break (my sophomore year; his freshman year) and after almost two years of dating, he put a ring on it! ... And the most BEAUTIFUL, custom-made one, at that! ;) 
We planned   on a waiting a little over a year until the following May to get married. We'd have plenty of time to save money and find good jobs in the area. Something a little unexpected happened, but that's the way God works, ya know? My husband was responsible for financially getting himself through school. Days after proposing, we received an email that tuition and dorm rates were going up a significant amount. Neither one of us are amazing at math, but we could conjure up enough sense that is was going to be less expensive to be married in an apartment than for us to live in the dorms... Yup, our first common sense decision of ours! Once you get to know me better, you'll come to learn that we make a lot of those.

     So here it comes, we decided to get married that August... less than four months away. I'm really not very good at moving fast. I like to think through things and take time to process and not to mention What are my parents going to think?! Everyone was thrilled; the planning began; the wedding and honeymoon took place; we trucked it to Tennessee... and there we were 19 and 20 and married and in college.

   I wouldn't trade those years for anything. The Lord taught us so much during the time - love, finances, ministry, and how to grow up into adults. My husband and I literally blossomed from kids to adults together. It was a very special time for us... Maybe it's more special now than it was then, though!

      We finished our studies in December of 2014, and Aaron quickly received his ordination after we moved to Rutland, VT to partner in ministry at Green Mountain Baptist Church. We "officially" graduated in May of 2015 - Me with a Bachelor's in Secondary Education English and him with a Pastoral Ministry Degree.

      Vermont brought new health to our bones and a new vision for our love for ministry.... and a child.. oh yes, a child! The surprise of all surprises!

My little Chloe bear was born December 4, 2015 (If you can do math quickly, I was a pregnant diploma receiver!). This is right here is where my journey of Motherhood begins. I never expected it to start there. I was thinking more like 4-5 years later.. Give me a  little time to breathe first. (A little ironic since you're reading a Mom Blog, right?) But God's plans are perfect.

These are only the beginning stages of our journey together; you'll read WAY to much about my kids and see an overwhelming amount of pictures of all their goofiness. This right here though... This is the foundation; this is the rock; this is the best blessing of motherhood - a godly husband and a "goodly heritage."

*Update* Aaron Michael, Jr. (Michael) was born August 22nd, 2019. 

You can find a fun question & answer post that we did HERE.


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