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Coronavirus and Christ (Book Review)


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Why does that quote make so much sense yet is so hard to believe?

We've all struggled with this. Whether it's been a loved one we've lost or has suffered, whether it's been a broken relationship because of political arguments, whether it's been fear of the unknown, or whether it's been annoyance of the inconvenience - everyone has been touched through this pandemic. 

John Piper doesn't waste his time (see what I did there... Piper's Don't Waste Your Life... He didn't waste his time... anyways...) in this little book. He skips past the ever changing number of cases, moves on from the political drama, and takes a step away from the medical implications or lack thereof. 

I don't desire to mislead you. There are plenty of facts in this book. Facts from the Bible. There's no exaggeration that he uses 184 Scripture passages in this only 100 page book. Most of those passages are written out in the book. I could barely complete a page without reading a verse or two or more. What better way to view something as a Christian, right? Infiltrated with Scripture. 

I always appreciate Piper's gaze toward heaven and the throne of God with his words. He finds joy and satisfaction in bringing everything back to the name of Christ. 

I know I have been discouraged during this pandemic, probably in a different way than you have been - but nevertheless, we meet in the pit of despair during this. 

This book has truly lifted my spirits and helped to redirect my thoughts toward the Lord as I have the temptation to make my whole life about me, of course. No, no, it's all about Christ!

You can find this book here at Christian Book Distributors


By the way, this is my second book review in a week! What?! Check out my blog post on How to Read More and find my FREE printable that's been helping me keep on track! 

Lizzy 💜


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