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Showing posts with the label For Fun

Fun Questions with Aaron & Lizzy

Here's some fun questions that we both answered, not knowing the other's answers! What's the first time you remember seeing her/him? Aaron  - My family was visiting my brother and sister in-law in Virginia. She was across the room at my brother's youth group. I was 12, and supposed to be in a younger group, but the classes were combined that night for some reason, and she was the first thing to catch my eye. Lizzy  - Aaron's brother Dan had just become the youth pastor at my church. I was in high school at the time. I remember vividly when his family came to visit because I had never met anyone from Vermont before. I made sure to introduce myself to his parents and welcome then because I was the "good youth kid." (It's crazy to think back on that moment - They'd be my in-laws 5 or 6 years later!)  I think the first time I saw Aaron was in the foyer at church while Dan was taking his parents upstairs to see his office. I don't think I had any sp...