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Fun Questions with Aaron & Lizzy

Here's some fun questions that we both answered, not knowing the other's answers!

What's the first time you remember seeing her/him?

Aaron - My family was visiting my brother and sister in-law in Virginia. She was across the room at my brother's youth group. I was 12, and supposed to be in a younger group, but the classes were combined that night for some reason, and she was the first thing to catch my eye.

Lizzy - Aaron's brother Dan had just become the youth pastor at my church. I was in high school at the time. I remember vividly when his family came to visit because I had never met anyone from Vermont before. I made sure to introduce myself to his parents and welcome then because I was the "good youth kid." (It's crazy to think back on that moment - They'd be my in-laws 5 or 6 years later!)  I think the first time I saw Aaron was in the foyer at church while Dan was taking his parents upstairs to see his office. I don't think I had any speculations or thoughts about him in the slightest. 

What's your favorite character trait that she/he possesses?

Aaron - Her persistence. I can be naturally unmotivated, so her self-motivation balances my low-key personality out well.

Lizzy - His deep thought about life - I like to rush right into things, but he can make a much wiser decision than I can because he takes his time. 

What's the most annoying thing they do?

Aaron -Gives me the silent treatment when I do something to upset her in stead of just telling me what's wrong!

Lizzy - Singing in the car, especially when a song that I really like is on. I know people will think I'm crazy for that because he's such a good singer. I think he's a great singer, but I want to hear the SONG - and he may or may not mess up the words on a consistent basis. 

How many kids do you want?

Aaron - At least 2!

Lizzy - 3 or 4

What's your date of choice?

Aaron -  A scenic drive or an outdoor stroll followed by a nice dinner

Lizzy - Going somewhere fun like an amusement park or an outdoor adventure

How does she/he help you in your walk with Christ?

Aaron - She challenges me to be honest and open about any struggles that I am having. She pushed me to find my identity in Christ's forgiveness, and find blessing in brokenness. She encourages me to stay hungry for the Word in my personal life, not just in ministry. 

Lizzy - He encourages me to make the tough choices. I'm a fan of ease and stability, but he pushes me to step out of my box and sometimes into the unknown.

What's your favorite movie to watch together?

Aaron - Probably a Christmas movie - The Santa Clause or Christmas With The Kranks

Lizzy - No idea how to answer this because we like none of the same movies, essentially. He doesn't mind watching a chick flick with me but only because I won't watch anything gory. We've enjoyed watching National Treasure together.

Do you have any good marriage advice?

Aaron - Above all things, be honest. Admit when you are struggling with something, and don't try to look perfect. Know that we are called to love as Christ loves, which is a sacrificial, self-giving love that loves through the scars and blemishes, and seeks genuine growth. 

Lizzy - Learn to forgive and really forgive. It's easy to say you forgive someone but then hang it over their head later; that's not forgiveness. Marriage is meant to be for a lifetime, and forgiveness can make it a lot more pleasant. 

Thanks for reading and learning a little about us! 

You can find more of our Love & Marriage Story HERE


Aaron & Lizzy 


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