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Chocolate Creamy Goodness of a Cake!

     I asked my husband what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday. He replied, "The chocolate cream cake that my mom and Nana make." UGH!!!! Now, I have to live up to the standards of my mother-in-law. 😳 I'm only somewhat joking; my MIL and I are fantastic friends.. It did make me nervous though!
     My MIL was very specific when I requested the recipe... "About 2 cups of confectioner sugar and somewhere 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa..." Thanks, Mom. I'll figure it out on my own.
      Either way, I did it! And everyone loved it! It's super easy and super delicious. It's a nice cake to take to a party or church fellowship, which is what I use it for.

- Marble Cake Mix (and the other ingredients on the back of the box)
- 2 cups of confectioner's sugar
- 3 Tablespoons of baking cocoa 
- 1 pint of heavy cream 

Step 1: Make the marble cake according to the instructions on the box. If you've never made marble cake before, be sure to pay very close attention to the instructions! I almost messed it up the first time. 😂 Pour the batter into 2 eight inch circular pans.
Adding the oil and flour from step one is an absolute
By the way, I absolutely ADORE these
Pampered Chef  party! If you ever want to
try out some quality baking pieces, check out
my friend Jodi Dexter

After the cakes are done, let them cool all the way down. I can't stress how important this is!!! Those babies will slide right out with a little wiggling.

Step 2: Make the whipped cream frosting. Into a mixing bowl, pour the 2 cups of confectioner's sugar, 3 Tablespoons of cocoa, and 1 pint of heavy cream. Whip it real good until it forms peaks. Then... take a lick. It's absolutely DELICIOUS! 

Step 3: Frost the cake. This recipe actually calls for splitting the two cakes in half and making four layers. I felt that the cake layers were too thin for this, so I stuck with two layers. My way of being adventurous and breaking a rule, I suppose. 
Lay one cake down, frost the top, then lay the other on top of it. 

Here's a few helpful hints for frosting cakes:
                - Have the uneven sides facing down. It'll be easier to frost and layer if it's even on the top.
                - Work in globs. If you don't use enough frosting at one time, it'll get crumby. 
                - Before frosting the sides, frost the top significantly and make the frosting fall off the 
                - Use something smooth to spread. I actually lost my frosting spreader! So I just used a 
                   flat, rubber spatula. I think it worked better than the cake spreader honestly! 

I personally think this would
look great as a naked cake! 

                   Clean up the sides with a
 paper towel.

     Look at my husband's ingenious invention! I didn't have a cake container that I could carry this in. The first time I made it, we were traveling two hours on bumpy roads... I had no idea what to do! - A bowl flipped upside worked perfectly!! 

Step 4: Lick the bowl! Yum!

Leave a comment once you've tried this cake! It's a must! 


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