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How to Start a Daily Bible Reading and Study, Part 3: Resources


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As we continue on this journey of learning together how to create a daily habit of Bible reading and study, I want to share some resources and products thatI've found to be helpful. You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here if you haven't read them yet. 

My Daily Routine 

Currently, I'm working through a few different things. Every day, I write Scripture. I absolutely love writing. I love being able to write my thoughts on paper, but I also love the physical work of writing. I'm able to concentrate more on what I'm writing something down, and I remember it better.  

I use a plan that I found on a blog called Sweet Blessings. She has many different plans available. I write out the verses for the day, then I journal about the on the same page. Sometimes, that causes me to do some research on the passage, look through my study Bible (John MacArthur Study Bible, ESV), or refer to a commentary. I usually use the Matthew Henry or Charles Spurgeon commentary on my Blue Letter Bible App.

I am also always trying to study something. Right now, I'm going through this study with a friend. When I'm not doing a study with someone else, I pick out something for myself. I'll be going back to this study once I'm done with the other. Studying through the Psalms is a totally different topic that I'll blog about another day! 


I'm updating this on March 15, 2022, to update you on what I'm doing now! I followed through with the above routine throughout 2021 and have changed it up in 2022. 

Firstly, I am reading through the Old Testament. I use the Passionate Penny Pincher planner, and inside that is the guide for reading through the Old Testament. You can also find just the journals for the Old Testament here, or you could create your own!

Secondly, I am slowly making my way through the Psalms with this study from The Daily Grace Co. The OT reading plan I'm using take a break on the weekends, so I fill in my weekends with the Psalms. I also use this Psalter, which I love to write down all my thoughts in one Bible.

Study Resources

I highly recommend ANY study that comes from The Daily Grace Co. Their theology and research are fantastic. They're awesome at reaching to every woman in every walk of life.... without the added fluff. These studies can also easily adapt for an individual or a group. 

I have not done thee particular studies, but I have heard great things about wellwateredwomen and shereadstruth

I think daily devotional books can be a great way to get in the habit of reading the Bible every day. I do give a word of caution. Avoid devotionals that says "5 Minutes...." And through my Google searching, I've even found "1 minute..." 😑 Remember, the goal isn't the amount of time but the quality of time. If you're trying to find something that only takes five minutes, are you checking a to-do list or trying to dig into the Word of God?

Here's some daily devotionals that I recommend:
If you want to read through the Bible, that's a great way to get in the habit as well. That is a pretty challenging task for me. But if you love to read, go for it! 

Here's a great Read through the Bible format. It consists of a little of various portions of the Bible to keep things interesting. Side note - yes, there's a lot of John MacArthur! He's been a great resource to me over the years. 

Items I always have 

I have always use pencil when I'm writing in my Bible. Believe it or not, I don't use my journaling Bible anymore. I use a Concise ESV Study Bible. I know it seems too simple, but I like simple. I also use twistable crayons and use a highlighting guide. You're welcome to use it for your personal study if you feel that it'd be helpful for you!

Until next time! 💜


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