In Part 1 of this Mini Series on the habit of every day Bible reading and study, we discussed the value of the heart. Checklists and accountability are necessaries if you want to fill yourself with God's Word, but they're not the reason. A love for God and the words that He's given us must be the heartbeat of study.
Now, that we (hopefully YOU) have established that. I'd like to share some ideas on how to make this daily time with God and His Word happen. Even when your heart is right, it takes hard work to form this habit. There will be days that you do not feel like reading anything. Maybe, you're like me and would rather watch tv. Maybe there's a fiction book you've been dying to finish. Maybe you want to take a nap or just enjoy the quiet house for a little bit.
There are days where we will fail, and our feelings will get the best of us. We'll wonder why God's Word has to be such a boring drudgery and convince ourselves we need a break. "Taking a day off" or "giving yourself time" will not help you to form this meaningful, precious habit. It will only hurt. There will be days you'll have to force yourself to pick up your Bible and highlighter. But somehow, the day after that comes just a little easier.
So often we feel as if we're not gleaning anything. Let me give a few thoughts on that.
Are you not learning because you're simply don't want to? Is this your checklist?
Are you not learning because you're not sure how? There will be some helpful resources later.
Are you not learning because you're not hiding God's Word in your heart? What you're currently reading may not help you at the present moment. The more you read, you'll realize you can use all parts of the Bible to help others or refer to later down the road.
A Time
Oh, Time... you're so funny. You pass so quickly when I'm scrolling through Instagram, yet there's never enough of you when I have to do something important or complete a task.
First thing to choose is when you're going to be reading and studying every day. There are so many factors to this decision, and quite frankly it is probably one of the most important decisions in this.
For me, I read and study when the kids are having nap/quiet time in the afternoon, which is from 1:00-3:00. It's the first thing I do during that block of time - no chores, personal reading, or recreation until I'm done. There are days that I do some of my daily time before the kids go up. But because the time I teach English classes every morning vary, I can never depend on the mornings.
Here are some other ideas on times during the day.
- Wake up thirty minutes before the kids do.
- Listen to your Bible reading on the way to work.
- Dedicate thirty minutes of your lunch break to reading.
- Have your daily time right before you go to bed.
We HAVE the time down, but we have to use it properly. Sometimes, it requires putting down the phone or an extra cup of coffee.
A Place
This may seem insignificant, but you may be surprised what a difference where you sit (or don't sit) can make! If you almost always fall asleep on the couch... don't sit there. If beautiful scenery inspires you in the goodness of God, read outside or next to a big window. If you're a reckless driver and can't pay attention to two things at once, don't listen to God's Word while you're driving. 😂
Really though! Be intentional in every aspect of this. God made us to enjoy certain aspects of life and not enjoy other aspects. Everyone is different. What works for me may not work for you. Learn to ENJOY this time with Him!
A Plan
There was a woman who decided that every day she was going to randomly open her Bible, read one verse, and claim it for that day. It was going great. She claimed many great promises from God that gave her peace, joy, and good days. And it barely took any time, but she still felt rejuvenated. One day, her random verse to claim was in Galatians, "But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another." Oops.
That's a comical situation (Maybe you didn't find that funny. It's really okay. I'll laugh at my own writing. It's fine.), but that woman's plan wasn't really a plan at all. There are so many great reading plans, devotionals, and studies out there! One word of caution that I give in regards to what you choose to study and read - Less isn't more. There are many devotionals entitled 5 Minute ________. Don't hate me if you currently read one of those but again, this isn't to check a box. The goal isn't to read a verse and a quick thought to get it done. It's especially impossible to study in that short amount of time.
I plan to share some reading plans, devotionals, and studies in the next part of this series that I've enjoyed or found to help get you started!
If we want to be close to the Lord and have a wonderful relationship with Him that's been made available through Jesus, we have to take the time to get to know Him. Through more and more time, we learn to love every attribute that He has and every promise He's given. We have such a great God who WANTS to spend time with us. And He's always available - night or day!
Dwell on the words of Hebrews 8:1-7. We have access to God through Jesus Christ!
"Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; thus it is necessary for this priest also to have something to offer. Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.” But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second." (ESV)
Head over to
Part 3 for some helpful resources!
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